Computing coordinators both experienced and new to this role will find this course very useful. The course is run over two days.
Computing coordinators will be offered personalised support. They will be shown how to develop their own vision and action plans. Participants will go on to develop and implement these plans back in school. They will then return in the second session to organise these and tackle any problems that they didn’t foresee in the first session.

computer coordinators and robots
Participants will be able to communicate between sessions with the trainer so that on the second day, all objectives set will be relevant to the returning coordinators. Furthermore, during the two day programme they will develop their understanding on how to link computing to other subject areas as well as how to enthuse and support reluctant colleagues.
As with all our courses suitable technology resources will be provided which can be used back in school.
Areas covered:
- Understanding the computing curriculum
- Introduction to digital literacy, IT and computing – using the computing curriculum within different subjects
- Understand your role within your school
- How to develop your school’s vision for technology and using this to produce an action plan
- Positive monitoring strategies and providing evidence of your effectiveness
- Assessment ideas and tools for both key stages
- Introduction to scratch and other programming tools, there are alternatives and improvements on scratch
- How to teach coding in key stage one and two
- Training ideas for all staff
- Managing difficult staff
- How to evaluate what software should be purchased by your school
Do check out our blog for teaching ideas and our Technology Ideas page has links to sites that use technology in education.
Book a place on this course now