Wellcome Trust Science Resource Kit

Wellcome Trust – Science Resource Kits

Schools are very lucky in the UK, they often receive good support and free resources from organisations to help them develop the National Curriculum. One organisation is the Wellcome Trust which is sending free science kits to schools in UK. This article was published in the TES on 16th May which outlined the new project called the crunch They have provided two packs one for primary schools and the other for children from 11 through to 19.

I thought I would look through some of the online resources for primary schools to see what was on offer.

Since becoming an International Teacher and working here in Moscow I have come to realise that attitude to food or even what constitutes healthy eating may not be the same as that in the UK. Here in Russia I notice there seems to be less eating food on the go. I am always now rather shocked when I return to London to see many people eating on public transport and in other areas.

There are of course many restaurants and you can purchase fast food but people seem to sit down and enjoy what they are eating. This may of course be one reason for the obesity rate in the UK and is a topic that International/UK schools could consider investigating as a shared project.

The introduction page outlines the project. There is also a small video clip which demonstrates links between food, environment and wildlife

Activities and resources are then split up into age sections. From 4-5 which is entitled Flying fruit to ages 10-11 entitled dazzling digestion As the children I work with are learning science via English which is not their native language I would probably choose resources according to their needs. We are about to finish our work on plants and how they grow so some of these resources will be very useful. I am very pleased I have discovered them in time.

Oh and for those teachers who are keen on drama, there is a section to include drama within the topic. There are lots of support for those teachers who lack confidence with using drama so do give this a go.


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