Apps To Help Autistic Children Communicate

Following a request on Linked In for suitable apps to help autistic children communicate, I thought I would gather together some of the suggestions here.

I suggested speechbox which I haven’t had the chance to use but it certainly looks interesting I must say, it does look good value in comparison to some of the recommendations.

Bitsboard and apparently it is free. this is an app to help ‘social blindness’ prologue2go

This app was highly recommended by a parent but it’s rather expensive This is one of the more expensive apps!

Talking tiles also works on computer. The app appears to be free. There is also a subscription service which provides extra resources. This can be tried out on a 15 day free subscription.

This will open up a pdf document which contains a list of suitable apps for children with autism

This will bring you to Jane Farrell who has reviewed apps to support communication. They are listed alphabetically and are given up to a 3 star rating.

There is quite a lot out there, good luck with your search and I hope this has been of some use.

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