Welcome to the Technology To Teach Blog

Code Club

It was during a visit to the CAS conference in 2013 that I became more aware of the Code Club Organisation. As an experienced ICT coordinator in two large London Primary Schools I had often used Flowol as part of the control technology element in the ICT curriculum, so I was keen to find out how this […]

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BETT 2014

Well BETT 2014 returned to the Excel centre in London and this year I was able to attend for three days, which was rather handy as trying to find everything was rather difficult. Before I proceed I need a quick moan: Poor facilities for charging up mobile phones Limited WIFI connection. Very poor support for finding things once […]

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New Computing Curriculum

Over the past year I have had the opportunity to attend a variety of conferences about the new computing curriculum. It has been rather an interesting experience. The most recent one was on Monday 3rd February At Queen Mary’s University of London and was run by Prof Paul Curzon. A very uplifting evening and he […]

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ASE Conference 2014

Well this was my first visit in many years to the annual ASE conference which was held this year in Birmingham. I always enjoy visiting Birmingham either to visit friends, or run courses and other CPD events such as school INSET. I find everyone I meet in the city extremely helpful and friendly. I only attended […]

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Writing for Science

Throughout my teaching career I have always enjoyed teaching science in my classroom. I found that the children were enthusiastic about science learning and they often thoroughly enjoyed the practical activities, especially when I included technology such as data logging and digital microscopes. However, teaching this subject does have a variety of problems such as: finding resources, organisation […]

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Stem Education

There are many debates about getting children into STEM employment. Here from the ASPIRES project at Kings College London, a document outlining 10 fact or fictions about this issue. I received a copy of this on one of my units of work as part of my MA and thought I should share it. I am sure […]

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Planet Images

Well I have now received images of two planets from the Bradford Robotic Telescope; Mars and Jupiter.  Here is a great chance to compare the size of these planets in these photographs with those found on the NASA website http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/about/, along with other images that are available through google searches.   Here is an image taken from NASA’s casini spacecraft, rather different […]

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Telescope Images of the Moon

Well here are my seven images of the moon. There are a variety of teaching ideas that could be developed from them and you will notice that not all of the phase has been captured. I have organised another week of observing.     I had also ordered an image with a short exposure time. This image of the […]

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Space Resources

I am in the process of gathering together a variety of resources for teaching this topic. I also hope to include some examples of children’s work. Here is a PowerPoint presentation showing the phases of the moon. This was shown to the children and they would record each phase in their science books. However, rather than just […]

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Teaching Primary Children About Space

Whilst covering a CPD course on primary science last year, a teacher attending believed that the topic of Space was more likely to involve information gathering and teacher imparting knowledge, rather than hands on practical science. Having taught this subject quite a bit in my career, this is not a view that I hold and […]

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